…this is it.
HGH is rightly called the “fountain of youth” hormone.
HGH (human growth hormone) stimulates growth in children and adolescents. In adults it is responsible for stimulating regeneration. That is why it is often referred to as the “fountain of youth” hormone.
Numerous Hollywood stars are said to be taking HGH which is prescribed by medical doctors at longevity clinics. A month’s supply of injections (2-3 per week) runs around $1500 to $3000. Few Hollywood stars admit getting HGH injections, some notable exceptions being Susanne Somers, Sylvester Stalone, Nick Nolte and Oliver Stone.
HGH levels decline with age.
HGH secretion is also lowered by poor sleep.
In adults HGH is secreted by the pituitary gland during Stages III and IV deep sleep. During deep sleep our body thus enters a period of regeneration (hence the term “beauty rest”). But chronically poor sleep, which is epidemic in our society results in diminished secretion of HGH each night. As a result we lose the body’s natural cycle of nightly regeneration. Stress is a major culprit when it comes to poor sleep. Adrenal stress syndrome disrupts cortisol levels which in turn hinders our rejuvenating deep sleep.
What happens when you restore HGH levels?
Restoring HGH levels in adults results in remarkable health benefits. The changes below were observed in adults who used a natural HGH product over a six month period.
- increased energy
- deeper sleep
- better muscle definition
- healthier skin
- weight loss
- enhanced focus
- enhanced muscle mass
- PMS symptoms reduced
- improved joint mobility
- alleviation in some menopausal symptoms
- significant weight loss
- improved immune system
- pain and general soreness diminishes
- wounds heal quicker
- grayed hair begins to return to natural color
- reduction in LDL cholesterol
- blood pressure normalizes
- improved stamina
- vivid dreams
- heightened libido
- increased strength
- improved vision
- hair growth
- greater flexibility
- healthier nails
- increase in sexual desire
- improvements in skin texture & appearance
- skin has greater elasticity
- reduction of the appearance of wrinkles
- hair becomes even healthier & thicker
- cellulite greatly diminishes
- greater metabolic output
- heart rate improves
You’ll notice that several area’s of health are mentioned several times (ie. weight loss > significant weight loss; hair growth > hair becomes even healthier and thicker). The list reflects the progressive improvement in different areas of health (skin health, body fat, hair health) over a six month period as adults continued to the HGH enhancing product.
What do I recommend?
The best product to naturally enhance HGH benefits is a homeopathic transdermal gel that supplies a highly diluted dose (microdose) of HGH. It also contains homeopathic remedies for the adrenals (stress) and thyroid (energy). The combination of these three ingredients really does the trick. The benefits shown above were reported by adults taking this product over a six month time period.
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