
There are a number of things that you can do to make sure your immune system is strong and capable of fighting viruses such as the coronavirus.

In this interview Dr. Steven Gundry, MD, author of the Plant Paradox, makes four main recommendations as to what to do to boost your immune function.

Summary of Dr. Gundry’s recommendations:

#1  Microbiome: the microbiome is the population of microbials living in your gut.  If your microbiome contains lots of “unfriendly” microorganisms, this requires constant surveillance by your immune system. 

Because the presence of unfriendly microbes in your gut your immune system is engaged in a constant battle to keep them in check.  This battle taxes your immune system’s resources and compromises it’s ability to fight off other infections (like Coronavirus).

How do you tell if you have a healthy microbiome or not?  A history of taking antibiotics or chronic GI complaints could indicate the presence of an unhealthy microbiome.  One remedy is to take a high quality probiotic regularly.

#2  Vitamin D3:  Because vitamin D is necessary for immune system function, Dr. Gundry recommends taking 10,000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily to maintain healthy vitamin D levels. 

If and when he feels a cold or flu coming on , he takes 150,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily for three days to fight it.  He indicates successfully fighting flu’s and colds this way.

Dr. Gundry indicates that in his medical practice he has never seen a case of vitamin D toxicity when patients take these levels of vitamin D.  He says that none of his professional colleagues (other MD’s) using high dose vitamin D have seen vitamin D overdoses either.

#3  Vitamin C:  Dr. Gundry recommends upping vitamin C intake.  He recommends taking 1000 mg of time released vitamin C twice daily or 500 mg of a chewable vitamin C tablet four times daily.

He describes successfully using IV vitamin C to treat a patient with the SARS (Corona Virus family) virus some years ago.

#4  Mushrooms:  Dr. Gundry also recommends eating mushrooms or taking a mushroom supplement daily. 

He cites research showing that mushrooms increase the activity of white blood cells called natural killer cells that are involved in fighting viruses.

Some immune boosting mushrooms include shiitake, chaga, reishi, turkey tail, lion’s mane, maitake,and cordyceps. 

To see the specific products that I recommend click here.