

Regardless of what time of pain, whether it’s neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain or even arthritic pain in the joints of the hands–the treatment of all of these pains from a holistic point of view is the same.

Inflammation Causes Pain

Generally speaking pain arises from injured tissue. Inflammation arises in the area of injury. Inflammation is actually the body’s repair process, but the inflammation also generates pain.

From a holistic perspective we are applying treatments to help the body repair the area of injury. Once the area of injury is completely repaired the inflammation resolves (it has served it’s purpose) and there is no more pain. This approach is actually very different from what most Americans are doing which is suppressing the inflammation.

Suppression of the inflammation may give necessary temporary relief. But as part of this suppression of inflammation with drugs, these drugs have side effects which are causing a lot of health problems: stomach bleeds, leaky gut syndrome, high blood pressure, fluid retention, kidney problems, heart problems and skin rashes.

So what are some of the healing treatments that we use to speed the body’s healing mechanism and actually repair the area of injury/inflammation so that the pain goes away naturally and doesn’t come back?

Chiropractic Adjustments

As a chiropractor I adjusts the joints. Essentially what an adjustment does is to normalize the movement of the joint to reduce the friction in the joint during movement. Once this friction is reduced then movement no longer irritates and inflames the joint. Then the inflammation tends to go down and the pain goes with it.

Massage, Trigger Point Therapy and Myofascial Release

We also use massage. Massage is a way of relaxing injured, tight muscles. Therapies like trigger point therapy and myofascial release for chronic pain for chronic pain relax chronically tight muscles, allow circulation and repair of the muscles.


We also use acupuncture. Acupuncture normalizes what the Chinese call Qi or life energy and stimulates healing of the injured area. In Chinese medicine an injured area is thought to block the flow of life energy. Acupuncture is used to restore the flow of life energy and thereby speed the healing of the injured area.


A modern technology that we use is called PEMF (for Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field thereapy). It has been featured on some popular shows like the Dr. Oz Show. Basically this is using a pulsed magnetic field that goes through the tissues and stimulates circulation. It energizes the tissues and stimulates and speeds healing.

Stretches and Exercise

We also give you exercises to do at home to support the healing process. Some are familiar stretches and exercises. But exercises are only appropriate after a certain level of healing has occurred. Otherwise the exercises if done too soon, will reinjure the area of injury before it is fully healed or is healed sufficiently to withstand exercise.

Nutrition and Nutraceuticals

We also give nutrients. One that I use a lot is pharmaceutical grade fish oil which is concentrated in omega 3 fatty acids. These omega 3 fatty acids fuel our body’s production of it’s own natural anti-inflammatory chemicals. Many people are deficient in omega 3 fatty acids and there body is therefore unable to manufacture necessary amounts of anti-inflammatories. This is a major reason that people suffer chronic pain long after an injury occurs.

Power Strips

We also use additional specific technologies. One that I like a lot and that works really well are Power Strips. Power Strips are approved by the FDA for the relief of pain. We place it over the area of pain/injury and leave it in place for 48 hours. It stimulates circulation to the area and pushes nutrients into the area of injury and speeds healing in that way.

Get the free ebook “How To Erase Pain Naturally”

If you’d like to learn more about the treatment of acute and chronic pain using natural therapies you can get my free report entitled “How To Erase Pain Naturally”.