
Chronic Muscle Pain

Chronic muscle pain is called “polymyalgia” in medical practice. “Poly” meaning many, “my0-a” meaning muscle and “algia” meaning pain.

The following video by Dr. Majid Ali, M.D. nicely summarizes the issues around chronic muscle pain from the alternative (curative) point of view. He points out that most medical doctors will contend that there is no solution for chronic muscle pain or that the cause is not known. Their solution is to give you pain killers which cause and additional host of problems.

Majid Ali, M.D. is an astute clinician and free thinker. In the video below he explains that chronic muscle pain is ultimately due to low oxygen levels in the muscles. There are many causes of this. Body toxicity, food sensitivities (arising from leaky gut syndrome) and nutritional deficiencies. The road back to health may not be as quick as one would like, but it is possible, even probable when one puts in the necessary work and time to build the body back to health.